Coronavirus Information and Updates

The Covid-19 aka the coronavirus is a virus that is known to cause symptoms such as fever, cough, and in susceptible populations more severe respiratory illness. It is transmitted via respiratory droplets and has been spreading around the world since December 2019. Currently we have yet to see the spread become extreme in the United States but that could change in the upcoming weeks.

My recommendations are as follows:

  1. Repel the virus’ entryway into your system: wash your hands often, clean your phone daily with alcohol, do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands, avoid handshakes and hugs with strangers.

  2. Keep your immune system strong: gets 7+ hours of sleep a night, reduce sugar and alcohol in your diet and focus on nutrient dense food, get fresh air daily, stay well hydrated.

  3. Consider immune boosting supplements: vitamin D 2000-5000IU a day, elderberry 1 tsp a day, zinc 15mg a day, medicinal mushrooms (reishi, coriolus, chaga, lion’s mane, shiitake), vitamin C 1000mg a day, resveratrol 500mg a day. I am also recommending IV nutrients such as Myers cocktails for my patients.

  4. For anyone over the age of 70 with heart disease, diabetes, or underlying lung conditions I recommend extra precaution and speaking with your doctor directly.

  5. Currently it still appears that symptoms are milder or undetected in the population under 19 years of age.

  6. If you do have a known exposure to an individual with coronavirus please call your doctor and you can increase dosages of the immune boosting supplements to 3 times a day. Watch for fever which will be the first symptom. The virus has a 5 day incubation period before symptoms begin to show. After infection it appears that most people are contagious for a full 8-13 days after.

It does appear that those with a healthier immune system and younger in age will be able to fight this infection well enough. The concern is in those with underlying health conditions and age. This is a primarily respiratory illness so any symptoms of shortness of breath or extreme cough may indicate that you need to seek more immediate care. Stay tuned for further updates, but if you want more immediate info and updates please follow me on instagram at: @drkristencoles